other day i was at HOME..
lols..how boring me are..
But..mum dun even let me go out 2nd time..
errrgghh..(sry mum)
Than..my LAME life started..
how cham my brother..
almost every evening..
I pulling his shirt n 'ask' him to 'help' me..
take photo..*cheeess..
coz i like some kind of photo..
*who else dun mind contect my pls..thn sure i like^^
Huh....if photo have me sure by my brother..
but if plants or other din have me..thats catched by me=P
Well..i just show SOME..coz too many..XD
omg..this is totally natural!
my gor tell me b4...whn u lind down..u will saw it^^
hehe..really nice...just lind down...XD
Lols....just feel..abit..hhmm..touched~
Lols...abit like..but my face>.<...
This is my little ban ban n his sister..XD..
Take care by my gor n sleep at gor house
coz my mum scare those animal=.=
I wan U to accompany and help me find our..
'four heart shape leaf'~~...lucky plants..
Damn stupid this one..duno why
tat time feel wan like this the pose=.='
This was what i look at upside=.=''
Lols...noe what i saw??XD..
It die or sleep??...XDXD
Omg..my things many ant..hate ant..so geli..
than i take some of my things..to let sun 'burn'
tha stupid ant...XD..see..
How LAME r me...>.<
Ok..this all pic are PART of my life..
take too many photo but just keep it^^
hehe..ONe more..
a video done by me..
lolss...no la..just my LOVELY song
n the NATURAL of the PLANTs..
make it..mayb sound no nice or
not good to see>.<
sry at here r...anyway,,
try and thz for
ENJOY my blog n video..
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