I 'ngai' my mum for
sooooooo long time...
thn...she said..sure 100% last time b4
pmr exam..thn..
i cnt go out anymore =*(
BUT..I wnt regret..or
feel so bad or what..
I know i wnt regret..
cause..go out wif me
a little part of
'stupid gang brother' XD
Celebrate ZhaoJian bday..stupid he^^
When haven awake..
receive Joshua,ZhaoJian n CB sms=.='
the hp keep vibrating...9.15am only...i wan sleep>.<
But they...make me awake..fine..so i just wake up early..
and mi mi mo mo prepair...
Qi come my hse too.. so i must clean upXD.....
Share photo time~ New born BB JEsmay..
=.=' really look like kid>.<
Me 'pull' Qi take picXD..show some..
if not she hit me after view my blogXD
Than...they sms me..
i still at home..XD....just pack only..
CB be ta han..call me..
ZhaoJian,Gor and Joshua
talk to meXD..said
'Woi..leng lui..whole world waiting for u r...
Many leng zai at here..faster come...'
=.='' and XD
2 expression..hahahaha..
they damn funny...hHAHAHAH..
I reach there...with really different style..
cause i wear simple..than a hat and a glasses...XD
they just surprise...look at me=.=
some said 'like other ppl'..
some said 'omg...'
and some said 'wahhh...'
hahahahah....stupid n funny expression^^
still waiting Jun Keong..=.=
they said he wax his hair no need comeXD
But..ZhaoJian...er...be ta han...
wan go to toilet edi>.< but LRT here din have...lolss...
thn train come..they just go 1st..
me n Qi wait JunKeongXD Long time din really chat with he.. whn he reached...we keeep chit chat chit chat.... We just meet at Hang Tuah station..
Go McD eat breakfast^^..
JunKeong so good..help me buy and pay for me..
they said he a rich guy today man^^..
(JunKeong.....my present??^^hehe.....)
We just chit chat laugh gossip ppl..and more........
really LOVE this kind of life....so funny..
whn gossip ppl....haha...i noe not gud..=P
Gor so tall..XD sg renovation....
there was so low the height that ppl went in..(for he)
I'm short..so feel just niceXD..1more cm he gonna knock his head..
sooo funny...one gang laugh at he..
and purposely walk there many timeXD
About time than we just go 6th floor..wee^^
I tell them that
after sing k...go take 'da tou tie'^^..
some wan some dunwan...heheeee...nvm..
i can with Qi 2 person take=P
In greenbox..lolsss..i went back the same k room=.=
same with last monday with sueteeXD....no. 21..
their voice espeacially ah Shen and gor...omg..
nice their voice..hehe...less girl there...
Yen and Qi shy..=.=...
than i start sing..they like LamFoong..
I like too^^..so..finally can sing.....
when turn LamFoong sure they all..
turn girl..me alone..XD..feel shy but happy^^..
JunKeong really soooo good r..take water to me too=P
When they sing k^^..i just upload SOME..
this is our memory what...some photo or what keep in heart^^
Here they are...
First ZhaoJian..he 'sao sing zai'..hehe
Catched some by meXD..nice?..
i like it...hehe...
BB JEsmay + ZHaoJian Monkey^^
Joshua + BB JEsmay
Stupid gor by BB JEsmay
BB JEsmay + Yen
In Greenbox..
TOilet~...wif Qi(some only^^)
Hhaha...Our SMILY faceXD...lolsss...maybe not nice..
But is smile and happy from heartXD...we keepp laugh n laugh..
JIanngggJJJiiang!!...BB JEsmay again=P
Omgg...they sing LamFoong song nice..
'Wu de hui yi bu shi wo de' lum..i love too..
Gu ji ji's 'geng gor gam kuk' nice....
And last 'Ni Feng 18'..'hou nian pi'...
Goshhh..i wan join them next timeXDXD
We go down...go take 'da tou tie'..
who wan take follow me plsXD..
thn they wan dunwan wan dunwan..
=.=i just change token decide to take 2ppl
de with Qi...hehe..thn choose le..
go in..use camera try some 1st..
thn....start^^..i n Qi..2ppl 2gether..
thn we decide take one personal de...
They all come in..and post...
what la>.<.....then they join all.. Qi give them 'push' out le=.=..
How geng they are....try imagine itXD.. damn funny that time...
hahahhaaa.. then..take le out this photo... heheehehhe...
I Most love the centre that one^^
Than..end...we just go Ding Ding..XD catched by me again but blur..at ts...
At Ding Ding..coz i mayb wan bac edi..
than take pic v them..shy@_@
Gor + BB JEsmay
JunKeong + BB JEsmay
Ah Shen + BB JEsmay
Than....we play drum...haha..
damn funny...
JunKeong vs Gor Gor
BB JEsmay vs Qi
hahahahahha....maybe long din play..
I so poor edi>.<.....JunKeong play till sweat..
hahah..thn i act like his fans....let he cold down..
stand at side 'kanbateh kambateh...' said...
XD and blek to gor...he so bad mar..
damn funny that time^^..
Than i wan back edi..cnt edi..
later if mum call i can go die edi..
tell them...so lum they..
said...ZhaoJian try once take a doll to me...
Lum r~~~...if he get JunKEong ask
me giv he a kiss=,='
hahahahahah....really q the doll..
but cnt get it =*)
hahaa....memory^^..they got try it thn is the bestXD
I quickly 'fly' to station there..they follow too...
really Love them...they said wan bac bac together..^^
touched that time...they so 'zhong shi'...me..
I like like this..come together back together...
Omg...is raining day out there...monorail sure bomm..
than..i MUST go bac..
dun care run in the rain..they accompany too...
OMG...they really r...good..=*>
than..we all wet together...^^
run and run and run.....feel happy=P
than reach LRT station..those
salesgal or boy or what...keep ask ppl
this and that...wan hp no wan name blablalba..
i straight go..but they all cnt..
after that..they tell me that they all use funny name...
lie hp no...XD..
In LRt...just out sound....hahahahaaa..
Chit chat...talk many and many...
almost all ppl look at us=P
Finally...home..i decide run..
JunKeong keeep ask me sit taxi..=*>
he really care 'brother' me r...touched^^
God save me^^
my parent all haven back home..
huh~~...i save frm dieXD..
LUCKY day man...
LUCKY luck gave by them..hehe..
LUCKY have them..
LUCKY they care me...
Forever brother....stupid gang 4evar
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